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Pest Control

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Fleas, Thank you

What are fleas?
Fleas are wingless insects that are approximately 1/10 inch long. They are coated in hair and are compressed so that they can pass through animal fur. They are parasites that feed on the host’s blood. Fleas like hairy creatures like dogs, cats, squirrels, rats, and mice. They can leap large distances despite not having wings. The host does not hatch the eggs. They lay their eggs in rugs, carpets, beds, and upholstery. The eggs hatch in around two days.

Fleas in the house
Fleas enter the residence through a host, which is an animal. They must rely on the host to live. If the host, such as a pet dog, is removed from the home, the fleas must feed on something else, such as humans. The easiest approach to keep fleas at bay is to keep them outdoors. They use flea control solutions to keep the animals outdoors and destroy their homes. If there are fleas in the home and the occupants and pets leave for a time, you may observe them frantically leaping to feed when they return. Adult fleas are very visible. Larvae, on the other hand, are more covert. They may be discovered behind and under furniture, under pet bedding, and in-floor cracks and grooves. Flea eggs placed on a pet fall off and are moved by the pet throughout the home. Flea eggs account for 50% of the flea population in a home.

What are the signs of fleas?
A scratching pet is the most prevalent sign. People may be bitten, leaving itchy bite marks. Flea feces resemble black pepper and may be found in pet beds, carpets, and wherever the animal host congregates. Fleas are only seen in bedding if an animal is let to lie on it. Eggs and larvae are more likely to be found beneath or in the animal’s bedding.

They are being treated.
Using over-the-counter treatments does not always eradicate the source of an infestation. It’s typically recommended to hire a professional exterminator to do a flea examination, following which a strategy to exterminate the infestation may be devised. It may entail removing the source animal (s): pet grooming and bathing, and obtaining flea control solutions such as collars or other treatments to rid the pet of fleas. To remove the eggs, use a powerful vacuum on carpets and beneath beds. Flea infestations need a complex treatment strategy. Flea control chemicals and physical approaches are both used in effective flea control.

Fleas disease.
There are several flea-borne illnesses, including the plague, flea-borne typhus, and a few that are uncommon, such as Bartonellosis and Tungiasis.

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