Spider exterminator in teaneck, nJ
Get Rid of Spiders
Most of the Spider Infestation brings us nothing but annoyance – especially their webs. The eight-legged predators feed on other insects that may also be inhabiting your home, all the more you will need to exterminate them at once.
Teaneck Exterminators aim to give you peace of mind. We are able to identify specific spiders and the potential harm they can bring in a household. Of course, like any other pests, getting rid of them is not a one time treatment but an on going process which we can provide for you. We apply the most efficient and and right solutions to exterminate them, drive them out of your home and prevent future infestations. Schedule now an inspection with us. Get your free quote by filling out the form or just call us at the number below.
Basic Facts about Spiders
They are a part of the arachnid group – same group that scorpions and ticks belong to. Arachnids differ from insects in that they have eight legs instead of six. They also belong to the arthropod group which is the largest group in the animal kingdom.
Spiders capture their prey by biting and using their venom to immobilize them. They spit enzymes into their prey’s body to soften their guts so they can suck it up later on.
Defense Mechanism
Camouflage is a common defense mechanism for spiders – they can blend in with their surrounding like with trees, rocks and dirt. Some spiders also use venom for their defense some of which may cause allergic reactions in a human, but can surely cause tremendous pain and death to smaller critters. Spiders also have a “fight or flight” instinct which usually makes them choose to run away when threatened by a predator.
Spiders are actually more known to be anti-social. Their simplest way of socializing is by sharing food, helping defend their prey from thieves and helping in protecting eggs and spiderlings of same spiders belonging to the same colony.
Spiders reproduce sexually and internally but with indirect contact. Male spiders ejaculate and spin small sperm webs, then injects it into the female using their pedipalps, a second pair of appendages attached to the thorax or arachnids. Other species of spiders perform a dance to attract a female. The females then lay up to 3,000 eggs in silk egg sacs. Reproduction can be a danger for males since they are at risk of becoming a meal to the female afterwards. That’s how the black widow spider got it’s name.
Are these Signs Present
in Your Home?
(201) 992-6776
Signs of Spider Infestation that Needs an Exterminator
This is the most obvious sign for spider infestation. Weaving web is important for them to survive because it is how they catch prey. Although, the amount of web won’t clearly determine the population of the spiders since spiders would tend to leave their webs and create a new one in a different area.
Holes, Crevices, Cracks
Spiders love burrowing in holes or cracks and make it their home. It’s wise to cover or patch them up to block the spiders from coming in and out.
Undisturbed Areas
This would include the attic, basement, shed and inside of walls. Spiders like living in unused places that aren’t normally disturbed.
Spiders love moist or damp areas – the basement is a common place for this. Be sure to check the basement first for spiders since this is most likely the first place they will infest.
Avoid Spider Infestation
Domestic Waste
Having waste in your home may attract spiders’ natural prey making it an abundant food source for spiders. Make sure to keep your household clean. Throw out garbage. Don’t leave it around
Abundance of Openings
There may be doors, screen, or vents that is are open, allowing spiders from outside to continuously come inside your home. Spiders from outside can move indoors when the climate outside gets too dry, wet or cold or when they discover a food source in your home.
Mating Season
When a few spiders have already made it into your home and built their comforts there, they can attract other spiders when the mating season comes because of the sound they make that other spiders can hear from outside.
Spider are very attracted to warm places – during cold months, expect that spiders may show up in your home seeking shelter.
Causes of Spider Infestation
There are a number of ways to act in advance and prevent spiders from infesting your home
- Keep your home clean regularly by vacuuming every corner of each room and furniture
- Declutter and remove unnecessary items where you might think spiders may live.
- When bringing in 2nd hand furniture, make sure to clean it thoroughly as they may have spider egg sacs
- Seal all cracks, crevices and holes. Make sure there are no openings from outside. Repair loose screens, vents and gaps in your doors.
- Keep you porch lights off as much as possible or move them away from windows since spiders are attracted to heat
NEED HELP? We are Experts in Spider Control.
Spider Exterminator Teaneck, New Jersey
Spiders are much easier to deal with compared to other pests. There are a lot of various do-it-yourself methods you can apply to get rid of them. But of course, having to deal with a spider infestation that is over populated is a different story. Other than trying to get rid of them, you should also consider removing and exterminating their food source – ants, flies, cockroaches and other insects
Teaneck Exterminators can help you with that spider infestation. We also do exterior perimeter treatment to eliminate spiders and prey from getting into your home to avoid future infestations.