Flea exterminator in teaneck, Nj
Irritated by Fleas?
Fleas are these tiny, annoying insects with bites that causes itchiness and pain. They have thin, flat bodies and a hard shell. They reproduce quickly especially when you own a furry pet. But even if you don’t own an animal, that doesn’t mean you are safe from these pests, your yard can be a potential habitat of fleas.
Allowing fleas breed can be a gib problem. Once their population gets out of control, you won’t be able to sit on the couch or carpet without being bitten. Bites on your arms, legs and ankles will be a usual happening and getting rid of them is hard since they can spread in the entire home. When this happens, a Professional Flea Control and Exterminator is needed. We, at Teaneck Exterminators, are experts and have the needed skills to identify flea infestations. We apply the correct and efficient solutions to get rid of them completely.
Can Humans Get Fleas?
Fleas are attracted to warm-blooded mammals, which what we humans are. So, technically, yes we can get fleas and be bitten by them. But they prefer thick coats of fur which explains why they are a much bigger problem to our pets. Their fur would be an ideal hiding spot for them which also proved a dark, moist and warm environment.
Signs of Fleas
- Scratching – Do you find yourself or your pets scratching more than the usual? This is the foremost and obvious sign of a Flea infestation. Fleas tend to build their habitat in furry animals in hard to reach places like their head, armpits, tail and groin. Watch out for the frustrated and unusual scratching behavior of your pet!
- Flea Droppings – Have you been noticing any black pepper like specks on your pet’s body? That would most likely be a flea feces, To identify it isn’t just any rubbish that got caught in your pet’s fur, get a few of these and drop them in water. If they turn reddish brown, that would confirm it is flea droppings. Be sure to wash your hands after this.
- Flea Eggs – Female adult fleas usually lay their eggs in secretive places like on your pet’s bedding, under furniture, crevices, holes and carpets.
- Bites – rashes or lesions can be caused by fleas. These nasty little critters bite with a painful sting, leaving you or your pet irritated and red bumps or welts can show up after being bitten.
- Pale Gums on Pets – This is a sign of anemia because fleas feed on blood thus decreasing the red blood cells especially on animals.
Are these Signs Present
in Your Home?
(201) 992-6776
Treatment for Flea Bites
Flea bites may cause allergic reactions in some people, which cause rashes and hives. You’ll most likely need to see a doctor if this happens. On the other hand, flea bites can be treated and you can reduce the itching, swelling and irritation.
Always wash the bite first with clean soapy water. Apply calamine lotion or hydro cortisone cream which both of which can ease the itching of the flea bite. As for severe itching, taking an antihistamine is recommended. Lavender oil and aloe vera are also great for soothing the itch and swelling caused by a flea bite. A hot and cold compress can also be applied but not recommended on the face, since the skin on the face is too sensitive for this remedy.
Facts about Fleas
A Female Flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day
Yes you read that right. This is why they reproduce so quickly. This just means even a single prolific female can cause a major infestation in just 2 months. The female flea can also produce up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime.
Fleas can go on for a long time without food
Specifically, research shows that they can live from 1 to 2 weeks without food. Also, pupae can stay in their cocoons for up to a year.
They have olympic jumping skill
Did you know that a flea can jump 150 times their body length? That makes them one of the best jumpers in the world. This is a necessary ability since they feed and look for food source by jumping on their prey.
Fleas can carry diseases
They can carry a bacteria that has an impact on humans. One example is the Bartonella henselae which cause the cat scratch disease. They can also transmit dog tape worms to dogs, cats and even humans.
NEED HELP? We are Experts in Fleas Control.
Flea Control and Exterminator
Teaneck Exterminators are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to deliver an efficient treatment for your home to be free of these pests irritating you and your furry pets.