(201) 992-6776
Teaneck, NJ

Cockroach Treatment
and Removal Services

Cockroach exterminator in teaneck, Nj

Say Goodbye to Roaches.

One of the famous and most hated pests of all time are cockroaches. And they have been with us for millions of years. They are the hardiest and most disgusting of household pests.  For some people, just the mention of them can make skin crawl and hair stand on end. They have always been seen as creepy crawlers carrying dirt, filth, bacteria, and diseases. As homeowners, we should always be aware of the health and safety risks related to cockroach infestations.  This includes the allergens that cause  allergies and are even responsible for some cases of asthma. 

When you eliminate cockroaches yourself, be aware that you will definitely kill some of them, but you will most likely not be able to eliminate the entire colony. Remember, when you see one, there are bound to be many more because they prefer to live in groups.

The best way to get rid of these filthy insects entirely is to ask help from a professional exterminator We, at Teaneck Exterminators, have mastered every technique to be able to exterminate cockroaches.. We are dedicated to leaving you with 100% satisfaction when we finish the job.  For a free quote, just fill out the form on the right or call us by tapping the button below.

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Behavior of Cockroaches

Cockroaches release a chemical odor with their pheromones, as means of communication, through their feces and on their body. They prefer to live in groups and in warm areas. They have four main characteristics – reproduction, feeding, survival, and movement. Feeding being the most important one. They eat about everything and even turn into cannibals. See more facts below.

Signs of Cockroach Infestation

Cockroach droppings are similar to mouse droppings, but theirs are more blunt in the end. Cockroach droppings are usually found in areas where they often hide, and where they scavenge for food and water. Areas whereyou find more droppings only mean that there is  high traffic of cockroaches and you should make note of this area. Check behind your appliances, under the sink, basement, pantries and other food storage areas.

Are these Signs Present
in Your Home?

(201) 992-6776

Cockroach egg - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Finding even one of these egg capsules only mean you have roaches present in your home and they are starting to breed and grow. Their egg capsules can be as long as 38 mm and they usually contain 10-20 eggs inside. All the more reason you need to get rid of live eggs when you spot one. You don’t want them to hatch.

Cockroach droppings are similar to mouse droppings, but theirs are more blunt in the end. Cockroach droppings are usually found in areas where they often hide, and where they scavenge for food and water. Areas whereyou find more droppings only mean that there is  high traffic of cockroaches and you should make note of this area. Check behind your appliances, under the sink, basement, pantries and other food storage areas.

Finding even one of these egg capsules only mean you have roaches present in your home and they are starting to breed and grow. Their egg capsules can be as long as 38 mm and they usually contain 10-20 eggs inside. All the more reason you need to get rid of live eggs when you spot one. You don’t want them to hatch.

Cockroach odor is described as pungent, musty and oily. A single roach can only give away a faint smell. When you are able to smell them, and the odor is strong enough to notice, you already have a huge infestation. Now is no time to mess around! It is best to ask help from a Professional Exterminator immediately.

Seeing them is a sure sign that you have roaches in your house. They are usually around at night since they are nocturnal. Start being more worried when you spot some even in the morning which means you have such a large infestation that some get pushed out of their nests.

Cockroach Control - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Facts About Cockroaches You Should Know

cockroach on wall - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Yes, we know – who would want to study and learn more about these creepy crawlers, right? But it won’t hurt to have an idea of their behavior and habits so we can be much more aware of them and know some smart steps to get rid of them.

They can Squeeze through Tiny Gaps
Did you wonder where that cockroach came from? Yes, it may have come from that tiny gap you never thought was possible. They have such flexible exoskeletons that they can fit through a gap as small as a quarter of their body and flatten their body and fit through cracks as thin as a dime. No wonder they are so good at hide-and-seek.

They are Super Fast
Cockroaches can spread bacteria throughout a home so quickly because of their fast pace. They can run up to speeds of 1.5 meters per second. This is also their only defense mechanism from being a prey to many predators.

Can Live a Week without its Head
Cockroaches can be decapitated but still live for a week! Their brains aren’t responsible for all their functions, instead it is their thorax that is located in the middle which acts as their command center. How do they breath without their head and mouth, you say? They use spiracles (tiny holes) to inhale and transport oxygen.

They can Trigger Asthma
Cockroaches contain a protein, coming from its saliva, feces, and shed body that acts as an allergen for many people which can trigger an asthma attach when kicked up in the air. 

They can hold their breath for 40 minutes
It’s not that easy to drown roaches. When you flush them down the toilet, you might be thinking it’s a goner, right? But since they can hold their breath up to 40 min, they have the time to crawl back up. This is why it is not advisable just to flush cockroaches

They Prefer a Warm Environment
A temperature between 77 and 86F is perfect for them. They also want to live in homes with lots of cracks and gaps which offers them comfort because they are thigmotropic – meaning they want to feel something solid touching their body.

They can be Dangerous
They are widely known to spread diseases, some of them are: e. coli, salmonella, typhoid, parasitic worms, food poisoning, diarrhea and many more.

NEED HELP? We are Experts in Cockroach Control and Extermination.

​CALL US NOW. (201) 992-6776

Cockroach Control and Extermination in Teaneck, New Jersey

Cockroach Control - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

​While do-it-yourself solutions can work, they require so much time to completely eliminate the colony especially when you have an extensive infestation. Hiring professional exterminators who are skilled and experts in looking for cockroach infestations will take so much less time and there is a 100% guarantee of elimination. We will not only exterminate the cockroaches but we can also stop their life cycle to prevent future invaders.