(201) 992-6776
Teaneck, NJ

Be Bed Bug Free!

Bed bug exterminator in teaneck, nj

Get Rid of Annoying Bed Bugs!

Bed Bugs can grow their number extremely fast because female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs These are pests that live on the blood of animals and humans causing itchiness, for other cases there are swelling and red welts. That’s why it is essential to get rid of them as soon as possible. And, unfortunately, they can be hard to find.

But do not worry! We, at Teaneck Exterminators, are bed bug exterminators here in NJ and we have experienced many bed bug problems. This made us even more expert in exterminating them completely We have a vast knowledge about them which helps us detect their whereabouts. Get your FREE Instant Quote by filling up the form on the right, or give us a call!

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Signs of Bed Bug Infestation

Bites and Itching
There would most likely be bed bugs around when you notice red, itchy marks when you wake up from your sleep. Bed bugs are more active at night and that’s when they feed themselves by piercing  your skin and feeding from 3 to 10 minutes. Some people may consider it as mosquito bites, that’s why you should confirm the bed bugs presence and whereabouts immediately.

Dark Spots (Bed Bug Excrement)
You may notice small, red fecal spots on your mattresses, upholstery and walls. With a close look, they appear to resemble a smear or spots of blood, when in fact, these are their liquid waste. 

Bed Bug’s Shed Skin 
Bed Bugs mature with every blood meal they take. As they mature, they need to shed their hard exoskeletons  in order to have more room to grow. They go through this process  about five times through each of the five growth stages. The shells look like the bed bug itself but more translucent, and they have different sizes.

Musty Odor
Bed Bugs releases a scent of their pheromones which can be strong and is more described as a musty odor.

Are these Signs Present
in Your Home?

(201) 992-6776

Usual Hiding Place of Bed Bugs

A way to prevent bed bugs is to first do an early inspection. Here’s where to find bed bugs:

Bed Bug Bite Treatment

Bed bug bites - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Bed bugs usually feed on their hosts while they sleep because they are more active at night. Bed bugs feed by securing themselves on the skin with their claws then inserting their beaks. While it feeds, it also releases saliva which makes the feeding area numb and it also causes the itching sensation on the host’s skin, which then causes the bites or rashes. Here are ways to treat Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs usually feed on their hosts while they sleep because they are more active at night. Bed bugs feed by securing themselves on the skin with their claws then inserting their beaks. 

While it feeds, it also releases saliva which makes the feeding area numb and it also causes the itching sensation on the host’s skin, which then causes the bites or rashes. 

Here are ways to treat Bed Bug Bites:

If you have any doubts as to what the itch is, seek medical attention especially when you are not sure if it really is a bed bug bite and a sign of secondary infection is present, and especially when you’ve developed an allergic reaction.

NEED HELP? We are Experts in Bed Bug Extermination.

CALL US NOW. (201) 992-6776

Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Treatment - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

There are do-it-yourself ways to get rid of bed bugs, but be aware that doing this yourself without proper expertise can just scatter the bed bugs and won’t entirely exterminate them, and they would just eventually grow their colony again. Getting rid of them may be very difficult but there is a strategic approach using advanced methods known by bed bug exterminators.

Contacting a professional who has a vast knowledge and is well trained in bed  bug control is the best treatment method.