(201) 992-6776
Teaneck, NJ

Rodent Removal

ant Control & extermination, teaneck, Nj

Rodents: Cause for Concern

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Having Rodents as house guests can cause a number of problems: doing damages in our home, contaminating our food, and posing health risks. Rodents may have different nesting and feeding behavior, but they all can cause damage to your home and the surrounding areas.

If the living conditions in your home are right for them (food, water and shelter) they can reproduce quickly and grow their families, leaving you with a big and growing rodent infestation. If this happens, you must act aggressively..

You may have no idea that you have they because they tend to be secretive and you continue to live your daily life without ever noticing them. And when we do notice them, they send us frantically running. We do everything from searching to applying a number of solutions yourself just to keep them away.

Teaneck Exterminators help in the control and prevention of pests and rodents – whether mice, rats, squirrels, bats and more. We are professional exterminators trained to completely eliminate rodents in the most efficient way wherever they are discovered. Schedule an appointment with us now and get your FREE instant quote by submitting the form on your right or better yet, call us at the number below.

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Signs of Rodent Infestation

Gnaw Marks
The tell-tale damage of rodents is their gnaw marks on food packagings and the house structure itself. You can identify if a gnaw mark is new or old. Lighter colors indicate recently gnawed, which gets darker as time passes. Food packaging that has been chewed on should immediately be disposed of. Damaged doors, cables and materials should also be given attention, too. Holes chewed on the structure may serve as their entry points.

Rodent Droppings
If the dropping is dark, shiny and moist it means it’s new, while dry, grey ones that are easy to crumble are old. Common places to find rodent droppings are under the sink, hidden areas, cupboards, and around food packages. When you spot an area with a great number of droppings, there’s a big chance the rodents may be feeding or nesting in that area.

Stale Smell
One sure sign of knowing if rodents are around is through the behavior of your pets. If you noticed your pets pawing on areas they don’t have a previous interest on, grab your flashlights and start checking the area. A large and active infestation causes an ongoing stale smell in hidden areas.

Burrows and Nests
Rodents usually build nests in corners, hidden areas, roof area or in the burrows. They use fabrics, dried plants or shredded papers for their nests. If you notice fresh dropping, gnawing and odor, it’s a sure sign that the nest is still being currently lived in and your home or store is infested.

Rodent’s fur can leave dark, greasy stains when they come in contact with walls. Their tracks can also be detected with a flashlight or blacklight with which you may see footprints, smudges, urine stains and droppings.

Live Animals
This is definitely a certain sign that you have a rodent infestation. Rodents are usually seen at night. If you happen to spot them in the day, that may be a sign that the population has gotten out of control and you have a advanced stage of infestation that already need a help from professional rodent exterminators.

Common Diseases Carried by Rodents

Diseases carried by rodents can be spread to human directly through their feces, urine, saliva, bites and dead carcasses. It can also be spread indirectly through ticks, fleas or mites that fed on the infected rodents. These pests can be more than just nuisance –  they can expose you and you love ones to a number of health risks. Here’s a list of common diseases that rodents can carry:

This virus is transmitted through bites or fresh urine, droppings and nesting materials that become airborne and are breathed by humans. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain. For serious cases, the patient may have some respiratory failure, needing mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy.

This can be spread to humans through ingestion of contaminated water or food with their infected feces, urine and nesting materials.

Bubonic Plague
This is the reason for the death of millions of people in Europe during the Middle Ages. This is usually transmitted through bites from a rodent infected flea. Symptoms are headaches, fever, chills, weakness and painful lymph nodes.


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Prevent Future Rodent Infestation

hole in wall - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Seal Entry Points
Look for possible entry points in your doors, windows and foundation. Remember, rodents can squeeze through small spaces, as long as you see light through a crack, rodents like mice can fit through. Patch every crack and holes with the right material.

Keep Your Home and Basement Clean
Rodents can build their nests in clutters and debris. Declutter when needed, seal up access to food and just mainly keep your entire home clean from every corner.

Don’t count too much on Traps and Cats
Rodents are smart and can change their ways when they become aware of danger. You may be able to kill a few, but majority of them will still be alive and continue to grow. Cats also can’t wipe out an infestation, it may kill a few, but still allow the rodents to breed continuously as mice often live in families of 30 critters.

Hire a Professional Rodent and Pest Control
Good rodent exterminators do a thorough inspection of the house, sealing all entry points and doing various treatments that will surely and effectively exterminate every single one of them. Teaneck Exterminators are fully equipped and skilled to handle Rodent Infestations no matter how huge.

Don't Do-it-yourself Rodent Control

Do-it-yourelf solutions most likely just prevent rodents from entering your home by making it less appealing for them. But rodents are pretty intelligent creatures, finding out ways for them to survive and stay near their food source. They are able to find other ways into your home whichever home remedy you apply. For an effective solution, hiring a professional rodent and pest control is essential. We, at Teaneck Exterminators, have a number of options and solutions to effectively keep them out of your home and completely exterminate them!

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NEED HELP? We are Experts in Experts in Rodent Control.

​CALL US NOW. (201) 992-6776

Contact a Professional Rodent Exterminator

Residential and Commercial Pest Control - Teaneck Exterminators in Teaneck, NJ

Rodents are difficult to keep out of structures especially when there is food around. Teaneck Exterminators can give you a hand in getting rid of these Rodents. We consist of professional exterminators, having our own mastered skill sets – equipped to give you an efficient and better result. We are not just trained to exterminate current rodents and pests, but we can prevent future infestations.